K's Training Academy has partnered with companies and recommend the usage of the following products. Contact us for more information for our services that we provide. Click here
Interested in Recovery Circuit Workouts? Click to request workouts
ARMCare APPThe app uses your strength, fatigue & recovery data to create training programs customized for you.
KSACADEMY for a 10% discount Click HERE to purchase online |
MARC PROE-stim device that aids in recovery. Use the code KSACADEMY for a 10% discount on a unit.
Click HERE to purchase online |
SQUID GOSquid Go is designed to provide fast, effective recovery from muscle soreness and joint pain and swelling, without medication.
Use the code MYSQUIDGO to save 5% on their purchase. Click HERE to purchase online |
BODYBLADEBodyblade Training Tool is a functional tri-plane training tool that is designed to improve strength, balance, coordination, proprioception, power and core stabilization. It uses vibration and inertia to produce rapid contractions that will transform the body. Everything from the neck to the pelvic floor is the core and the original workout system contracts the muscles up to 270 times per minute to strengthen, tone and transform the shape of the body.
Click HERE to purchase products online Code: KSACADEMY |